Schedule of Content
This page contains detailed information about each week of the course, including readings (which should be completed before the class for which they're assigned), topics covered, in-class exercises and due dates, and any project deliverable due dates for that week.
If all you need is a list of due dates, those can be found in the myCourses calendar, with links back to the relevant exercise or project page.
Week 1 (Aug 28/30):
Course Overview & Tools
On Tuesday, I will review the syllabus, goals, and requirements for class, as well as methods for accessing course materials on both GitHub and myCourses. On Thursday, we’ll discuss communication tools you’ll be using in the class, including email, Slack, and Google Docs.
Tuesday Readings
Tuesday Homework: Communication Tools
You'll set up your Slack account, add a photo and a post to the #introductions channel, and send an email with your Slack username to the professor and the TA. Due by 10am Thursday, 8/30.
Thursday Readings
- How to Email Your Professor (without being annoying AF)
- Slack Guides: What is Slack? and Getting Started for New Users (Note: In our class Slack, the #general channel has been renamed to #announcements)
- Use Google Docs to Collaborate on Class Note Taking
Thursday Exercise: Collaboration Tools
Hands-on practice with both Google Docs and Slack. Due by end of class on 8/30.
Week 2 (Sep 4/6): Research and Critical Assessment
This week we’ll be talking about information--how to find it, and how to evaluate it. On Tuesday, we’ll talk broadly about critically evaluating information online. On Thursday, we’ll focus on research tools and methods, with a focus on library resources you can use for your research paper assignment.
Reminder: Your paper topic idea(s) must be submitted to the myCourses dropbox by 8am on Tuesday, 9/4.
Tuesday Readings
- The Oatmeal: Believe (This is the sanitized “classroom” version of the comic; there is also an NSFW original version.)
- The Grim Conclusions of the Largest-Ever Study of Fake News
- How to Spot Fake News -, Nov 2016)
Tuesday Exercise: Evaluating Information
In class, you’ll complete an online exercise and then we’ll discuss it as a group.
Thursday Readings
- Evaluating Information Sources
- Six Tips to Finding Research Sources That Set You Apart
- Researching the Interactive Media Industry
Thursday Exercise/Homework: Bibliography Creation
In this exercise, you will use the NoodleTools resource provided by the RIT Library to create an annotated bibliography, using a topic from the list provided. You'll start this exercise in class, but it's not due until 8am on Monday, 9/10.
Week 3 (Sep 11/13): Legal Issues for Media Creators
As a creative professional, you need to be familiar with the laws governing the use of creative works–that includes not just copyright, but also trademark and patent laws. It’s also important for you to be familiar with how employment and freelance contracts impact your ownership and use of your own creative work.
Tuesday Readings
- Copyright in General
- Hacker Lexicon: What is the DMCA?
- Video: A Fair(y) Use Tale (a captioned version can be found here:
- Creative Commons: Licensing Considerations
- The Legal Side of Open Source
Thursday Readings
Week 4 (Sep 18/20): Understanding the Web
This week we’ll talk about how the web differs from other types of media, and you'll learn how to create basic web pages using HTML and CSS.
(For the Getting Started with the Web articles in this week's readings, make sure you work through the hands-on exercises!
Tuesday Readings
- 6 Ways Writing is Significantly Different for Online and Print
- Getting Started with the Web: Installing Basic Software (MDN)
- Getting Started with the Web: Dealing with Files
- Getting Started with the Web: HTML Basics
Tuesday Exercise: Basic HTML Markup
In today's exercise, you'll create a basic HTML page, with links and images.
Thursday Readings
Thursday Exercise: CSS Formatting
You'll use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to format the page you created in Tuesday's exercise.
Thursday Homework: Testing Server Access
Next week, you’ll be publishing web pages to RIT’s web server. This exercise will help you to determine if your RIT web account was properly configured. Make sure to do this exercise before next week, so that if there are problems you have time to correct them!
Week 5 (Sep 25/27): Internet & Web Infrastructure
Once you’ve created your web pages, how do you publish them? We’ll talk about how the Internet and web servers work. Since most web servers use the UNIX operating system, you’ll learn how to use a terminal emulation program to connect to a server and enter commands, and how to use FTP (file transfer program) to transfer files from your computer to a web server.
Tuesday Readings
- How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes (a bit out of date, but the concepts are sound)
Tuesday Exercise: UNIX Basics
In this exercise, you’ll develop familiarity with the UNIX command line environment by logging into RIT’s server and executing a number of UNIX commands.
Thursday Readings
- Getting Started with the Web: Publishing Your Website
- RIT Web Developer’s Site: Uploading Files
- FileZilla Client Tutorial
Thursday Exercise: Publishing Web Pages
In this exercise, you'll use an FTP client to upload your web files to, so that they appear on the web server.
Week 6 (Oct 2/4): Understanding Design
Design doesn’t just mean graphics and visual aesthetics. On Tuesday we’ll talk about the different types of design for interactive media, as well as discussing design as a process. On Thursday, we’ll focus on visual design concepts for the web.
Tuesday Readings
(I forgot to post these, so you're not responsible for having read them by Tuesday. You should, however, read them by Thursday.)
- 10 design concepts that every web developer needs to know
- The Designer's Guide to Grid Theory
- A Simple Web Developer’s Color Guide
Thursday Readings
Thursday Exercise: Design Critique
In class today you'll break up into groups, and work together to critique some websites.
Week 7 (Oct 11): Digital Typography
We will not have class on Tuesday of this week, because it is a reading day. On Thursday, you’ll learn the importance of typographic choices, including font families and formatting. You’ll also work with CSS to implement typographic formatting on web pages.
- A Crash Course in Typography
- A Guide to Web Typography
- 20 Common Typography Mistakes
- Comic Sans Criminal
- Papyrus Skit from SNL
Thursday Exercise: Typography
In this exercise you’ll work with CSS for typographic formatting, learn how to add Google Fonts to your documents, and work with HTML entities.
Week 8 (Oct 16/18): Web Site Design Process
Tuesday Exercise: Initial Site Design
Thursday Exercise: Style Tiles
In this exercise, you'll modify and upload several html-based style tile pages with color and font ideas for your website project.
Homework for Next Tuesday
Before class, upload at least one visual mockup of your site to your note-taking group's folder for peer review in class. (We'll create a "Mockups" folder for you to place them in.) These can be done in whatever graphics or prototyping tool you prefer, or even in HTML and CSS. All you need to provide is a screenshot or explorted image.
Week 9 (Oct 23/25): Web Layout
On Tuesday I'll talk briefly about web layout techniques, but the bulk of the class will be spent doing peer reviews and iteration on your mockups.
Tuesday Readings
- Making Sense of the CSS Box Model, Sections 1-3 - This is not a hands-on tutorial, so you should be able to complete it fairly quickly.
- Readings from W3 Schools
Week 10 (Oct 30/Nov 1): Digital Image Concepts
This week we’ll talk about the underlying concepts critical to understanding digital images–including resolution, color models, compression, and file formats. I expect you to already have a basic understanding of Photoshop; if you don't, review Image Essentials before Thursday's class.
Tuesday Readings
- Image Size and Resolution
- Wikipedia: Color Depth
- WebDesigner: Understanding Popular Image Types and Formats
Tuesday Exercise: Color, Compression, and File Optimization
We will finish any remaining content from Tuesday's lecture, and then you'll have time to work on the exercise.
Week 11 (Nov 6/8): Animation Concepts
Tuesday Readings
Thursday Readings
Thursday Exercise: Basic Animation
Week 12 (Nov 13/15): Digital Audio Concepts
Tuesday Readings
- Engadget Primed: Digital Audio Basics
- Wikipedia: Digital Audio
- MakeUseOf: Audio File Formats Explained in Simple Terms
Thursday Homework
- Learning Audacity
- Audacity Software Download - Only necessary if want to do the tutorial on your own computer.
Thursday Exercise: Audio Narration
In this exercise you will use Audacity to record narration for a PowerPoint presentation, and then attach the narration to the presentation. If you choose to work on this on your own rather than coming to class on Thursday, the completed presentation, with working audio, must be submitted to the myCourses dropbox by the beginning of Thursday’s class. If you come to class on Thursday, the exercise is due by 6pm on Saturday, November 17th.
Alternate Thursday Exercise: Captioning Video
In this exercise you will create a video from a PowerPoint presentation, and then use YouTube’s editing tools to create closed captions for the video instead of audio narration. If you choose to work on this on your own rather than coming to class on Thursday, the completed presentation, with working audio, must be submitted to the myCourses dropbox by the beginning of Thursday’s class. If you come to class on Thursday, the exercise is due by 6pm on Saturday, November 17th.
Week 13 (Nov 20): Presentation Skills
This week we’ll discuss the importance of good presentation skills, and look at examples of effective short-form presentations.
If you will be missing Tuesday’s class due to travel plans, you will need to watch the playlist of videos on your own, and complete the “Week 13 Lecture Materials Homework” in the Quizzes section of myCourses no later than Monday at 8am. Students attending class on Tuesday do not need to complete the homework; they will get full credit for it.
Video Playlist from Lecture
- Garr Reynolds’ Top Ten Slide Tips
- LifeHack: 18 Tips for Killer Presentations
- Anatomy of an Ignite Talk
Week 14 (Nov 28/30): Digital Video Concepts
It’s unrealistic for me to think you’ll do much reading over Thanksgiving, so there are no readings for Tuesday. :) Instead of giving a readings quiz at the beginning of class, I’ll give a lecture quiz at the end of class.
Thursday Tutorials
- Video Editing Basics
- Photoshop CC 2017 One-on-One: Section 37 (Editing Videos)
Thursday Exercise: Video Editing
In this exercise you will use Photoshop to create a short video trailer for a game, and then upload the resulting video to YouTube. If you choose to work on this on your own rather than coming to class on Thursday, the completed presentation, with working audio, must be submitted to the myCourses dropbox by the beginning of Thursday’s class. If you come to class on Thursday, the exercise is due by noon on Sunday, December 2.
Week 15 (Dec 4/6): Responsible Social Media Use
Thursday Exercise: Assessing Your Social Media Presence
Thursday Readings
- danah boyd Keynote Speech, DML 2017: “Learning All The Wrong Things” (video is 1h22m; the actual talk is 40 minutes long, the rest is optional q&a)
- This American Life #545: If You Don’t Have Anything Nice to Say, SAY IT IN ALL CAPS (53m)