Photo of Professor Lawley


Introduction to &
Interactive Media

IGME-110 / Fall 2018

Information Evaluation Exercise (Week 2, Tuesday, Sept 4)

In today's exercise, you'll critically (I hope!) evaluate some information and then take a short survey about it. Then we'll discuss the results.

Part 1: Required Voting Debate

Begin by reading the following:

Once you've reviewed those materials, go to myCourses and take the Information Evaluation survey (choose "Surveys" from the main menu bar). After everyone has completed the survey, we'll discuss the results in class before I lecture on the topic.

Part 2: Fukushima Daisies Photos

In class, we're going to talk about an image of "mutant daisies" that was posted to the site Fukushima Diaries in 2015, and was then circulated widely on social media, and even picked up by mainstream sites like The Weather Channel.