Photo of Professor Lawley


Introduction to &
Interactive Media

IGME-110 / Fall 2018

Communication Tools Homework
(Week 1, Tuesday 8/28)

In this exercise, you'll set up your Slack account and send your username to the professor and the TA so that we can add you to a private channel for your notetaking group. You'll also add a photo to your Slack profile. All tasks should be completed no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 8/29, so that we can add you to the correct private channel in Slack.

Important Note: If you already use Slack with another group, you will not be able to use that login for the class Slack. Every Slack workspace has its own unique usernames and passwords. You can, however, be logged into multiple Slack workspaces from the same client.


Create an account in our class Slack at You will have to use your RIT email address for this. Your user name should include your first and last name. For example: `lizlawley`, `liz_lawley` `liz-lawley`. Edit your profile to include your first and last name, and a (recognizable) photo of yourself.

Post a brief message to the #introductions channel in Slack so that we know your account is working. (Optional: Join the #music-suggestions channel by clicking on the word "Channels" in the left sidebar and selecting the channel. You can use that channel to suggest songs for me to add to the playlist I use during in-class work time.)

Use your RIT email account (not a personal acccount!) to send a message to your professor ( Add a cc: for your TA, Emily Turner ( The email should have the subject line "Your Name, 110 Fall 2018”. (Replace "Your Name" with your actual name!) Use the guidelines provided in this week's reading when composing your message. At a minimum, the email should tell me what your username is in Slack. You're welcome to provide more of an introduction if you'd like (I always enjoy learning more about my students!), but that's not required and won't affect your grade.


These should be completed by 10am on Thursday, 8/30, so that we can add you to your group's channel in Slack before class.

  1. Account set up on Slack with your full name
  2. Message posted to #introductions channel
  3. Email sent to professor and TA with "Your Name, 110 Fall 2018" as subject"