This is the syllabus for Liz Lawley's Fall 2018 sections of IGME-230 Website Design & Implementation. All course content is housed here, with the exception of grades and dropboxes, which are in myCourses, and announcements/discussions, which are in the class Slack.
Instructor Information
Professor Elizabeth Lawley
- Office Hours: Wednesdays from 1-5pm in GOL-2545
- Email:
- Class Slack:
While I try to check email regularly, I get so many work-related messages every day that your questions can sometimes get lost in the deluge. You will always get a faster response from me if you send your questions via Slack. (And if you post it the #help channel, you may get an even faster response from one of my TAs or a fellow student!) If you need to send me email, please make sure you send it from your RIT account (not your personal email).
Teaching Assistants
- Section 02 (TR 2-3:15pm): Declan Behan
- Section 07 (TR 5-6:15pm): Emily Turner
Class Meeting Times & Locations
Section 02, T/R 2-3:15pm, in GOL-2570 (TA: Declan Behan)
Section 07, T/R 5-6:15pm, in GOL-2435 (TA: Emily Turner)
What's This Class About?
The title is pretty accurate; you'll be learning about both the design and development of websites. The design aspects won't just focus on aesthetics; you'll also learn the overall process for site design, ranging from needs assessment to wireframing to iterative testing. You'll also learn how develop pages and sites that work well across a variety of platforms (also known as responsive design). On the development side, you'll learn more advanced HTML and CSS techniques, use Git and GitHub for both version control and web publishing, work with Javascript and libraries for interactivity, and explore how web servers and web hosting operate.
By the end of the course, you will be able to design, prototype, build, and test a responsive website with interactive graphics that uses standards-compliant and modern HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You'll also be able to use Git and GitHub for web development, and will understand the options available to you for publishing websites.
(Here's what the official course catalog description says: "This course provides an introduction to web development tools and technologies, such as X/HTML, CSS, Javascript and DHTML, AJAX, web platforms and environments, and server-side programming methods.")
Prerequisite Knowledge
All students in this class are expected to have familiarity with basic HTML and CSS. I will not be reviewing basic concepts in this class, so if it's been a while since you've taken a class that covers it (IGME-110 for NMID students, NMDE-103 for NMD students), you may need to get yourself up to speed before we begin. I recommend either of these tutorials:
- Mozilla Developers Network (MDN) Getting Started With the Web (specifically the Installing Basic Software, Dealing with files, HTML Basics, and CSS Basics sections)
- HTML Essential Training, sections 1-7 (requires RIT login
On the Saturday after classes begin (September 1), I will offer an optional HTML/CSS/FTP "bootcamp" that you are welcome to attend if you'd like some extra help getting back up to speed on the concepts. Details will be provided in the class Slack.
Course Materials and Readings
There is no required textbook for the course, but there will be handouts and online readings that you will receive over the course of the semester. They will be uploaded to (or linked from) this site.
All course materials and example code will be distributed via this website. Slack, a group communication tool, will be used instead of email for announcements, discussions, and Q&A about class activities and projects. We'll be discussing both of these tools in week 1.
I will use Visual Studio Code as my editor in class, and I recommend it to students, as well. However, if you would prefer to use a different editor (for instance, Brackets), you are welcome to do so. However, I will not be able to provide any technical support on other editors, particularly when it comes to using them with GitHub.
Your final grade will be based on your projects (70%), in-class exercises (20%), and your overall participation in-class and/or in Slack (10%).
I will post your grades on an ongoing basis in the gradebook in myCourses so that you can monitor your progress in the class.
I give only three possible final grades in this class. You'll receive a grade of A ("good work!"), C ("you passed, but your work was unimpressive"), or F ("this is the wrong field of study for you"), based on your overall average for the class, as follows:
- 83-100% - A
- 65-82.9% - C
- 0-64.9% - F
Most of your grade (70%) is based on the four major projects described below. Another 20% is based on your in-class exercises and homework, and the final 10% is class participation.
Regardless of your average, you cannot pass this class without passing the final practical exam, described below. However, the exam does not count towards your final average.
Your projects account for 70% of your final grade. More importantly, they give you experience in applying the concepts from the class to building real websites with your own content.
Project 1: Personal Page for Class (10%, due 8am on Saturday 9/15/18)
Your first project will be a landing page for your class assignments, which will be published using GitHub Pages.
Project 2: Personal Portfolio (25%, Design Document due 8am 10/15/18; Portfolio due 8am 11/5/18)
Your second project will be a personal portfolio site, showcasing your professional work (including coursework).
Project 3: Final Personal Project (35%, proposal due 11/26, project due 12/10)
You have two options for your final project:
- Interactive Graphics Site: Create a series of interactive graphics, showcasing what you've learned about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Revised Portfolio Site: Revised and improve your Project 2 portfolio. If you choose this option, you may opt to have this project grade replace your project 2 grade.
In-Class Exercises
Most in-class exercises will be due at the end of the class in which they are assigned. With more challenging in-class exercises and/or homework exercises, I will extend the due date until the weekend. Exercises and associated materials will be always be uploaded to that week's folder in this Github repository, and linked from the schedule page with information on their required submission date and time. I will accept late exercises, but you will receive reduced credit for late work.
Class Participation
Because much of the learning in this course revolves around in-class exercises, including small-group exercises, attendance is critical. My TA will take attendance at every class. If you miss a class, you should check this website and/or Slack for information on the exercise, and complete it on your own time. If you know you'll be missing a class due to a conflict, please let me know, so I can make sure you have the materials for the exercise.
Final Practical Exam
During the last week of classes, you will take a final practical exam to demonstrate basic proficiency with the technologies we've covered during the semester. It is a pass/fail exam that will not count towards your class average. If you receive at least 7/10 points, you pass the exam. If you get below a 7/10, you will have an opportunity to retake the practical during finals week, although you will need to earn at least 8/10 points to pass the second time. If you do not pass either exam, you will receive a failing grade in the class regardless of your grades on other assignments.
Important RIT Deadlines
Last day of add/drop is 5 September 2018.
Last day to withdraw with a grade of "W" is 10 November 2018.
You have one semester after the class has ended to challenge your grade.
General Policies
Late Work Policy
If you are having problems with an assignment or have an emergency that may make you late in submitting your work, please contact me before the due date. Late assignments that have not been cleared with me before the due date may not be accepted, or may incur a grade penalty.
Missed Classes
If you know you'll be missing a class for an approved reason, please let me know beforehand so I can make sure you know what we'll be covering. If you're too ill to attend class, please let me know before class starts (via email or Slack). If you miss a class for any reasoon, you are still responsible for completing any exercises for that class.
Mobile Phones
I realize that many students will need access to their phones for two-factor authentication on myCourses, but I expect you to put your phone away at all other times. Please make sure notification sounds are silenced, so that you don't disturb the people around you. If for any reason you must take a call, please leave the room to do so.
Notices of Accommodation
If you have a notice of accommodation, I should have received a copy electronically. You are also required to discuss your accommodation needs with me so that we're both clear on what support you'll need to be successful in the course; you can do this after class, during my office hours, or on Slack.
Incomplete Grades
I give incompletes only in the most exceptional circumstances, and then only after we agree on what your plan for completing the work will be. Being overcommitted, overwhelmed, and/or not having enough time to complete your coursework does not constitute an exceptional circumstance. If you're having difficulty keeping up with the material, come see me ASAP so that we can come up with a workable plan. Don't wait until the end of the semester, because by then it's generally too late.
Academic Dishonesty
My policy on academic dishonesty is simple: If you get caught cheating or plagiarizing (which includes code or images that you fail to attribute, not just prose), you get an "F" as a grade for the course, a letter detailing the incident goes into your records folder, and you will not be able to withdraw from the class.
Please review RIT's policy on academic integrity:
Discrimination and Harassment
RIT is committed to providing a safe learning environment, free of harassment and discrimination as articulated in our university policies located on our governance website. RIT's policies require faculty to share information about incidents of gender based discrimination and harassment with RIT's Title IX coordinator or deputy coordinators, regardless whether the incidents are stated to them in person or shared by students as part of their coursework.
If you have a concern related to gender-based discrimination and/or harassment and prefer to have a confidential discussion, assistance is available from one of RIT's confidential resources on campus (listed below).
- The Center for Women & Gender: Campus Center Room 1760 585-475-7464; CARES (available 24 hours/7 days a week) Call or text 585-295-3533.
- RIT Student Health Center - August Health Center/1st floor 585-475-2255.
- RIT Counseling Center - August Health Center /2nd floor - 2100 585-475-2261.
- The Ombuds Office - Student Auxiliary Union/Room 1114 585-475-7200 or 585-475-2876.
- The Center for Religious Life - Schmitt Interfaith Center/Rm1400 585-475-2137.
- NTID Counseling & Academic Advising Services - 2nd Floor Lynden B. Johnson 585-475-6468 (v), 585-286-4070 (vp)
Social Networks
I don't initiate friend requests on Facebook, because I don't want you to feel obligated to accept. However, I do generally accept friend requests from students. I have a private Twitter account that I seldom use, and don't accept follower requests on it, and a public one that I also seldom use. I maintain a LinkedIn account, and am happy to connect with students there in order to help them find job-related connections.
Modifications to Syllabus or Schedule
Sometimes I will need to make changes to assignments, readings, or the schedule of topics during the semester. Any such changes will be announced in class, on Slack, and will be visible via the update history in the GitHub repo.